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Rude, abusive parents and school security guards — what can be done?

Following the arrest of a 61-year-old Bentley driver seen in a viral video clip pushing his car against a school security guard, other guards interviewed by TODAY said dealing with rude, abusive parents was a common challenge they face. In response, TODAY readers decry such behaviour by parents, with some suggesting that schools should not allow parents to drop their children inside the school compound and others saying that security officers should wear body cameras to deter abusive parents.

Rude, abusive parents and school security guards — what can be done?
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Following the arrest of a 61-year-old Bentley driver seen in a viral video clip pushing his car against a school security guard, other guards interviewed by TODAY said dealing with rude, abusive parents was a common challenge they face.

In response, TODAY readers decry such behaviour by parents, with some suggesting that schools should not allow parents to drop their children inside the school compound and others saying that security officers should wear body cameras to deter abusive parents.

People who think they are above others and are abusive and entitled should face the full extent of the law. NORMAN FO

Give due respect to security officers although they are not highly paid, especially if they are doing their job. CHEW CHEE WENG

What angers me most is that this is a school. What kind of values are we teaching the next generation? My teacher friends also tell me about how nasty some parents can be to school staff, even in front of their kids. DEVANE SHARMA

It’s totally unfair for security officers at schools to be verbally abused by parents. I think these parents should go back to school instead of their children to teach them basic respect. ZAIDI AHMAD

The security officers are there to protect the school and students. We should be grateful to the officers for upholding their duties with pride and for risking their lives. ABDUL RAZAK MOHD

Perhaps the schools should make it compulsory for the security officers to wear body cameras so that it will protect them from being abused. WILLIAM HIDAJAT

In reality, security officers in many areas such as private residential properties and commercial properties also face the same issues with their tenants, visitors. ANDREW KEK

Don’t allow cars to enter the school at all. This will solve the security guards’ woes. DESUMON CAI

Instead of allowing parents’ cars to enter the school, surely the kids can be dropped off at adjacent car parks. There is a big HDB car park behind Red Swastika School. LING KIN

I would like to add that all school zones should have closed circuit television cameras. During peak hours, a lot of cars do not follow the rules. LEE PK

Stop all pickup and drop off for students except for school buses within school zones. KAMAL SALLEH

Self-entitled parents will insist on dropping off their kids directly into their classrooms if that’s possible. NET FELIX

Just install cameras, road humps and spike barriers to solve the problem. DINS DN

Some drivers really disrespect security officers and ignore what they say… Perhaps security officers can wear cameras to have proof? SERENE KOH

Salute to all these security guards. Schools do need to think about why this kind of thing happens.  SOPHIE XUE

Why argue? Park the car somewhere else if possible. Why scold the poor security guard who is carrying out his duty and earning a living? NADARAJAH KULANTHAIAPPAN

Imagine the teachers handling the kids of these parents on a daily basis. EDDY LIM

These comments were first posted to TODAY’s Facebook page. They have been edited for clarity, accuracy and length. If you have views on this issue or a news topic you care about, send a letter to voices [at] with your full name, address and phone number.

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security guard verbal abuse abuse parents

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